AS we enter November and mark a world that has been in effective lockdown since March this year, we can start to look ahead and hope that there is some glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel that is Covid-19. Here at Nature's Light we are cautiously optimistic that 6 months from now things will be slowly returning, if not to absolute 'normal', back to some sense of normality. Whether it is from a vaccine, better treatment or just plain hard-headedness by citizens, it is likely that travel and workshops will be happening by mid year 2021.
Deciding whether to travel or not is difficult on a number of counts. From a personal point of view, are you likely to be infected and fall sick in another country. This impacts on medical insurance and whether you are even able to get cover to travel at this time. From a broader point of view, even if you are what is deemed 'asymptomatic', are you further spreading the virus. With the above in mind, we do feel that by the time our workshops start again (all international workshops were postponed through to 2021) it is likely that both vaccine's and effective treatment will be available (our first cross-border workshop is only in April 2021).
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